Parel Leuven

Prenatal Services
Leuven Region

Prenatal Services
Leuven Region

Prenatal Services
Leuven Region

for professionals

Do you have a client or patient who needs more intensive psychosocial care during pregnancy?
Would you like to speak with one of our Parel coaches who has already initiated support?
Do you have any questions about the available options in the (wider) region?
Maybe you’d like to discuss specific concerns about one of your clients/patients?


Do not hesitate to contact us.

Parel team UZ Leuven
+32 (0)484 44 01 60

Parel team Heilig Hart Leuven
+32 (0)479 93 00 29

Feel free to leave us a message or send an email.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.